Friday, May 28, 2010

NEW! comment box

Hello all my lovely readers... just in case you haven't noticed yet I have a new comment feature...I know it might look a bit complicated but I promise its very cool....if you have a blog, or twitter, or flickr or even facebook account (I think?) it will link your most recent info to your comment (and update it automatically). This means that me (and my readers) will be able to keep up with what you are doing online!

Unfortunately if you had a blogger (or gmail) login I don't think it will work any more and you may have to re-submit your info

Anyways let me know what you think and if you like it - I saw it on a blog I commented on earlier this week and though it was a fun way to help others promote what they are doing so everyone gets a little love!

(oh and you can also link directly to facebook if you comment on something so feel free to play with these new toys!)